
TACUP/SWACUMS Conference October 24-27, 2016 in Bandera, Texas

Jennifer Young - Brynka - tracking technologies for inventory control, labor accumulation, workflow in Printing Centers.

Kristen Ruth - SqBx - tracking technologies for inventory control, labor accumulation, workflow in Printing Centers.

Karol Mountcastle - GPA - history and development of Fedrigoni mill and GPA. Special attention to identifying, scoring, and folding of synthetics including limestone substrates.

Dawn Olson - Marketing & Launch Manager - Xerox - Make Your In-Plant Colorfully Invaluable - especially identifying Higher Ed touchpoints/cycle of Recruit - Registration - Student Services - Retention - Alumni.

Theresa Hatcher - University of Texas Austin - How to get certified and purchase direct from manufacturers to better serve university; opportunity and how to grow.

Vendor Panel - Exceptional discussion with Dawn Olson (Xerox), Debra Payne (Kodak), and Freddie Martinez (Ricoh) that discussed the different print technologies, registration methods, color capabilities, dimensional print, dedication to Higher Ed, fleet management, and a myriad of other topics.

Richard Beto - University of Texas Austin - The planning and changes involved with losing building space and rebuilding/remodeling structure for printing center relocation. Silo issues and lack of communication across university channels.

Eric Silber - Concordia - Developing a Customer Service Matrix involving perceived performance balanced against perceived importance.

Sheri Jammallo and Team - Canon - In-Plant operations and Ink Jet development.

Debra Payne - Kodak - presented on the history of George Eastman the Kodak company, the cameras, plate-makers, and how Heidelberg worked with Kodak to develop the Nexpress.

Will Dickson - Xante - Development of Xante from Plate Maker to envelope press and recent product development.

Freddie Martinez - Ricoh - Opportunities with fifth color, working with State Contracts, multi-manufacturer distribution, vertical channels, in-plant development.

Arthur Pare - Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center - In-Plant focused discussion on Copyright, Trademark, Privacy Rights, Fair-Use, Licensing, Course Packs, Scanning.

Jerrick Johns - Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center - Managing multi-function copier fleet, software development, copier selection/right-sizing objections, scan/email/share IT concerns and solutions.

Debra Payne - Kodak - Electronic Media developments, tools, networking opportunities, software solutions.

Debbie Sanderfer - Southwestern University - Importance of understanding non-verbal communication.

Round Table Discussion - Print and Mail interactions and a variety of campus specific issues, solutions, and suggestions.

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